Infant Care in Clayton, NC
Parent’s you have dreamed of the special day your little one was born. As parents we have so many hopes and dreams for our baby. We partner with parents in our Little Dreamer’s room to help their baby develop so they can become all they dreamed of and more. In the infant program at our Daycare Center in North Carolina, emphasis is placed on the child’s physical needs, such as feeding and diapering, as well as interpersonal interaction. Each infant classroom is designed to develop physical, emotional, social and cognitive skills for babies. We provide formula and baby food as part of our program along with a structured day.
The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers and Twos
- Introduction to music, dance, art, ABCs, 1-2-3s, shapes, colors and literacy skills
- S.T.E.M. used as an extension to learning
- Staff who work diligently to enhance learning experiences by guiding and modeling appropriate behaviors and interactions
- Daily reports of your child’s meals, toileting, resting, playing and learning