In the first few years of schooling, some children may not want to go to school or show a complete disinterest in it. There are various reasons for this, such as refusal to leave the familiar environment of their home, separation anxiety, school bullying, or a lack of confidence to interact with other students and teachers.
If your child refuses to go to school, Little Believer’s Academy, a premier Day Care Center in Garner, NC, offers the following suggestions that may help you:
- Talk to your child.
First and foremost, talk to your child. Find out what’s bothering them. Do they have physical complaints (i.e. a stomachache, headache)? Do they feel anxious about their schoolmates or classes? Try to understand the root of their refusal and form solutions based on what you find out. However, please remember that some children can’t fully describe what’s bothering them. If that’s the case, don’t force the conversation. Just remind them that you are always willing to listen and help them with their concerns.
- Tell them about the benefits of going to school.
Take the time to sit down with them and explain the benefits of going to school. For example, ask them what they want to be when they grow up and tell them that going to school can help them achieve their dreams. Let them know that going to school can also help them meet new playmates and friends and that they can get involved in different activities every day.
- Don’t make it too appealing to stay at home.
It may sound harsh, but don’t make staying at home too appealing for your child. If they refuse to go to school saying that they’re not feeling well, let them know that they will have to see a doctor and stay in bed to rest. Enforce rules about no video games, computer time, or TV. Also, some children refuse to go to school because they find it “boring” unlike at home where they can play and have fun. This is why it is important for you to enforce rules and not make it too appealing to stay at home.
- Avoid lectures.
Your child’s refusal to go to school may make you mad, but avoid lecturing them. Lecturing or scolding them may make matters worse. Remember, attention (even negative attention), can reinforce a problem.
These are just some suggestions from us. Do you have other tips in mind? Let us know! As a provider of quality care for children in Garner, North Carolina, we are open to more suggestions.